The single most valuable tool in my arsenal for mastering my craft has always been watching screencasts. I owe a great deal to individuals like Jeffrey Way, Jonathan Blow, Casey Muratori, Tsoding, Ryan Carniato, and many more. These remarkable individuals have generously shared their unique approaches to the craft, providing their viewers with what I believe is an unfair advantage in the long run.

But why is that?

Just like in any craft, there are masters and apprentices. For centuries, people have sought guidance from their more senior counterparts, whether in their crafts or in life in general. Access to such mentors used to be reserved for the most privileged, and individuals would go to great lengths to deserve it.

Thanks to the power of the internet, masters are now available 24/7 to anyone with access to the network, all around the globe. Gaining specific knowledge from the best of the best has never been easier, and a significant portion of it is free. You can acquire it from the comfort of your couch; all you have to do is ask for it.

For me, the crème de la crème of how to become a master is observing how other masters perform.

Programming screencasts, in that regard, offer the best perspective. You get to witness the masters in action—how they approach the problem at hand, the trade-offs they make in their decision-making process, the tools they employ, and how they navigate the knowledge space. It's not just fascinating; it's truly inspiring.

My advice for watching screencasts is not only to comprehend the actual problem the person is solving but also to delve into a more profound meta-level and observe their problem-solving approach.

I often pause the video, contemplate how I would tackle the problem, and critically analyze their approach—assessing its merits and shortcomings. Engage with the content; don't just consume it.

I'm leaving you with a video to practice that skill on.


I fixed Lua, by Tsoding